<% Option Explicit %> <% Dim strDomainName 'Holds the domain name to search for Dim strSuffix 'Holds the domain name suffix to search strDomainName=request.querystring("strDomainName") strSuffix=request.querystring("strSuffix") 'Set the response buffer to true Response.Buffer = False 'Set the script timeout to 90 seconds Server.ScriptTimeout = 90 'Whois function to query the whois server Private Function whoisResult(whoisURL, strMethod, strResultsStart, strResultsEnd) 'Dimension variables Dim objXMLHTTP 'Holds the XML HTTP Object Dim strWhoisResultString 'Holds the reult of the whois query 'Create an XML object to query the remote whois server Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") 'Alternative XML HTTP component, for version 3.0 of XMLHTTP 'Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") 'Open a connection to the remote whois server objXMLHTTP.Open strMethod, whoisURL, False 'Send the request and return the data objXMLHTTP.Send 'Place the whois registry response into the result string strWhoisResultString = objXMLHTTP.ResponseText 'If the domain name is to short then tell them it's invalid If Len(strDomainName) < 3 Then 'Set the return result of the function to not valid whoisResult = "Not Valid - must be at least 3 characters" 'Else if there is an error ElseIF InStr(1, strWhoisResultString, "Error", vbTextCompare) Then 'Set the return result of the function to Taken whoisResult = "An Error has occured" 'Else there was a result Else 'Strip the whois result leaving the data we want whoisResult = resultFormater(strWhoisResultString, strResultsStart, strResultsEnd) End If 'Clean up Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing End Function 'Function to strip all non estential returned input Private Function resultFormater(strWhoisResultString, strResultsStart, strResultsEnd) 'Dimension variables Dim lngResultsStartPos Dim lngResultsEndPos 'Find the start position in the returned data of the result lngResultsStartPos = InStr(1, strWhoisResultString, strResultsStart, 1) + Len(strResultsStart) 'Find the end position in the returned data of the result lngResultsEndPos = InStr(lngResultsStartPos, strWhoisResultString, strResultsEnd, 1) 'Make sure the end position is not in error If lngResultsEndPos - lngResultsStartPos =< Len(strResultsStart) Then lngResultsEndPos = lngResultsStartPos + Len(strResultsStart) 'Now we know the start and end position of the result, strip the rest and return the result resultFormater = Trim(Mid(strWhoisResultString, lngResultsStartPos, (lngResultsEndPos - lngResultsStartPos))) End Function %> Whois Domain Name Checker
<% 'If a domain name is enterd check it If strDomainName <> "" Then 'Display the avialbility Response.Write("Search results for www." & strDomainName & strSuffix & "

	'Call the domain checking function depending on domain suffix

'Check for .it
	If strSuffix = ".it" Then
		'Response.Write "*Dettagli*
" 'Response.Write(whoisResult("http://www.ripe.net/perl/whois?query=" & strDomainName & ".it", "GET", "
", "
")) 'Response.Write(whoisResult("http://www.ripe.net/perl/whois?form_type=simple&full_query_string=&searchtext=" & strDomainName & ".it", "GET", "
", "
"))" Response.Write "*Dettagli*
" 'Check for .co.uk ElseIf strSuffix = ".co.uk" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://cgi.nic.uk/cgi-bin/whois.cgi?query=" & strDomainName & ".co.uk", "GET", "
", "
")) 'Check for .me.uk ElseIf strSuffix = ".me.uk" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://cgi.nic.uk/cgi-bin/whois.cgi?query=" & strDomainName & ".me.uk", "GET", "
", "
")) 'Check for .org.uk ElseIf strSuffix = ".org.uk" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://cgi.nic.uk/cgi-bin/whois.cgi?query=" & strDomainName & ".org.uk", "GET", "
", "
")) 'Check for .net.uk ElseIf strSuffix = ".net.uk" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://cgi.nic.uk/cgi-bin/whois.cgi?query=" & strDomainName & ".net.uk", "GET", "
", "
")) 'Check for .ltd.uk ElseIf strSuffix = ".ltd.uk" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://cgi.nic.uk/cgi-bin/whois.cgi?query=" & strDomainName & ".ltd.uk", "GET", "
", "
")) 'Check for .plc.uk ElseIf strSuffix = ".plc.uk" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://cgi.nic.uk/cgi-bin/whois.cgi?query=" & strDomainName & ".plc.uk", "GET", "
", "
")) 'Check for .com ElseIf strSuffix = ".com" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://www-whois.internic.net/cgi/whois?whois_nic=" & strDomainName & ".com&type=domain", "GET", "
", "
")) 'check for .net ElseIf strSuffix = ".net" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://www-whois.internic.net/cgi/whois?whois_nic=" & strDomainName & ".net&type=domain", "GET", "
", "
")) 'Check for .org ElseIf strSuffix = ".org" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://www-whois.internic.net/cgi/whois?whois_nic=" & strDomainName & ".org&type=domain", "GET", "
", "
")) 'Check for .biz ElseIf strSuffix = ".biz" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://www-whois.internic.net/cgi/whois?whois_nic=" & strDomainName & ".biz&type=domain", "GET", "
", "
")) 'Check for .info ElseIf strSuffix = ".info" Then Response.Write(whoisResult("http://www-whois.internic.net/cgi/whois?whois_nic=" & strDomainName & ".info&type=domain", "GET", "
", "
")) End If End If %>